Friday, September 9, 2011

Aidan's Fall 2011 Interview....

What is your name? Mom you know my Name it is Joseph Aidan

How old are you? Seriously mom, I am 7.

What grade are you in? Mom why so many dumb questions ... I am in 2nd, why do you not know that!

What is your favorite tv show? Phines and Ferb

What is your favorite book of all time? The Fly guy series Right now? 39 clues

What is your favorite color? GOLD ..

What is your favorite subject? Math

What is your favorite candy? snickers, Food? Pizza Resturant? O'Charleys
dessert? Ben and Jerry's chocolate brownie ice cream

What is your favorite song? Kick it up a Notch from Phineas and Ferb

What is your favorite animal? A hawk

What is your favorite City? Chicago

What do you like to collect ( Besides trash)? Legos, and money, Oh and Hot wheels.

What do you want to be when you grow up? A truck driver or famous dancer

What is your goal for school this year? Get 100 AR points.